What is your delivery policy?

Our delivery policy can be viewed below:

Delivery Policy

Do you ship internationally?

We do indeed, we ship worldwide and information on this can be found in our policy below:

Delivery policy

Will I have to pay custom/import fees?

Depending on country and address outside of the UK your order may be subject to local taxes and duties. We advise you speak with your local authorities for more information.

What are your shipping lead-times?

This is dependent on which shipping option you select at the checkout. Each option should indicate an estimated arrival time and further information on this can be found below:

Delivery policy

Am I able to cancel my order?

Of course, we all make mistakes or change our minds from time to time. Please call in or email us directly to cancel your order. If your order has already been shipped out then you are more than welcome to return the order in it’s original packaging within 14 days from the day on which the products arrived to you. More information on our cancellation policy can be found in our terms and conditions below:

Terms and conditions page


What is the appropriate CBD doage?

The appropriate CBD dosage varies for each individual and depends on factors such as age, body weight and desired effects. For people new to CBD we recommend starting off on a lower dosage and gradually increasing and building this up over a few weeks. We always advise to follow the directions for use on the bottle.

What strengths are your CBD products?

We offer 4 different strengths which can be found below:

CBD 5% 500mg - 10ml

CBD 10% 1000mg - 10ml

CBD 25% 2500mg - 10ml

CBD Aqua+ Curcumin Edition 400mg - 10ml

You can find more information on this via our user guide page.

Is your CBD full spectrum?

Our CBD is indeed full spectrum and contains all the cannabinoids and other plant compounds that you would find in the plant.

Will CBD get me high?

THC, also called Tetrahydrocannabinol is one of at least 113 cannabinoids identified in cannabis. THC is the principal psychoactive compound that gives you the feeling of being high.

Our CBD supplements are derived from non-psychoactive cannabinoids and can not get you high. You will not have any peculiar or uncomfortable sensations after taking this food supplement.

 CBD has no side effects and is non – addictive.

Are your products tested for contamination's?

All our products are fully tested for contaminants and COAs can be provided on request. We source all our ingredients from suppliers are who are registered and follow GMP guidelines to ensure the products are completely safe and up to our ethical standards.

Are your products vegan friendly?

All our CBD products are suitable for vegans and vegetarians and contain no animal sourced ingredients. Our CBD products are made from responsibly sourced ingredients that are all plant based.

Are your products cruelty free?

We never test our products on animals or purchase from suppliers that test on animals.

How quickly can I expect results?

You may feel some positive benefits after the first few weeks. However, consistency is key, we recommend to take the products for 1-2 months to allow the body to adjust and for you to feel the full benefits.

What is the entourage effect?

Good CBD Oil contains cannabinoids and terpenes, and hundreds of other chemical compounds. These compounds work together to produce a synergistic effect known as the entourage effect. The greater the variety, the greater the effect.

What are terpenes?

Terpenes are the the pungent unsaturated oils found in the primal hemp plant. They are what give the oil it’s distinctive flavours and aromatic diversity.

Can I take your products if I have a medical condition or taking prescription medication?

You should always check the label of your medication and speak to your doctor in case of any contraindications if you are on prescription medication or have a medical condition.

Is CBD addictive?

Current research suggests that CBD is completely non-addictive, it doesn't share the same psychoactive properties as THC so it's best to not get these two things confused.


Do your products contain any allergens?

Our CBD products don't contain any allergens however there is limited research surrounding cannabidiol itself as an allergen. In rare cases some people may not tolerate CBD so we always advise to consult your doctor or medical examiner if you do experience any side effects.

Do your products contain any artificial colours, preservatives, sweeteners or fillers?

The core of our company is devoted to both quality and integrity therefore we don’t use any artificial colours, preservatives, sweeteners or fillers.

Where do you source your ingredients from?

Our CBD is derived from EU whole hemp plants that are organically grown in Germany/The Netherlands. All sowing seed and fields are documented and controlled by the relevant authorities in charge.


I can't login to my account?

We always recommend trying to reset your password firstly which can be done at the login screen by clicking “forgot your password.” If you are still having issues logging into your account please reach out to us directly either by calling in or via our ‘contact us’ form.

Can I set a wholesale account up?

We always welcome eligible new wholesale customers. To set this account up please head over to our "wholesale" page where there will be a form to complete.


Don't hesitate to contact us